Cores - Finnish Consortium for Radiation Safety Research
Cores is a consortium established by Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) and nine Finnish universities or research institutes. The purpose of Cores is to coordinate and strenghten the radiation safety research in Finland.
At present Cores has 16 members. The new members since autumn 2021 are the five University Hospital Districts of Finland: Pirkanmaa Hospital District, Hospital District of Southwest Finland, Hospital District of Northern Savo, Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District and Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa.
Aims of Cores
Cores, Finnish Consortium for Radiation Safety Research, is strengthening the cooperation between research institutions and universities.
By joining forces, STUK, the universities and other Cores members aim to secure the continuity of the radiation safety research in Finland. This ensures that Finland maintains the national competence and that the Finnish research retains its high level position within international research community.
Radiation safety covers a variety of scientific disciplines, ranging from radiation and nuclear physics to biomedicine, environmental sciences and social sciences and humanities. The national universities provide a strong foundation of basic disciples. This competence will be integrated with the societal challenges of radiation safety research.
Cores seminar on 11 February 2025 at Tampere University cancelled
The seminar planned to be held on 11 February at Tampere University has been cancelled.
More information about Cores
The 16 Cores members are:
- Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
- Aalto University
- Lappeenranta University of Technology
- Tampere University of Technology
- University of Eastern Finland
- University of Helsinki
- University of Jyväskylä
- University of Oulu
- Tampere University
- University of Turku
- VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
- Åbo Akademi University
- Pirkanmaa Hospital District
- Hospital District of Southwest Finland
- Hospital District of Northern Savo
- Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District
- Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa
Cores welcomes Finnish universities and research institutions active in the field of radiation safety research as new members. The new members are approved by a consensus decision of the Executive Board, followed by the signatures of the amended contract. The Cores members may also make supplementary agreements for practical arrangements and further collaboration.
Cores is administered by an Executive Board, where all Cores member organisations are represented.
The items addressed by the board are:
- the promotion of radiation safety research
- the maintenance and updating of the national radiation safety research programme
- the action plan and its follow-up
- the initiatives for the research programmes and activities supporting the aims of the consortium
- the promotion of the joint use of infrastructures and databases
- the support and coordination of education and training
- the promotion of innovative activities and contacts with industry
- The Cores Executive Board will meet at least twice a year, and it aims for consensus in its decision making.
The composition of the Executive Board
The members of the board act as the contacts points in their own universities and departments. The members of the Executive Board are:
- Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority: Pia Keski-Jaskari, Teemu Siiskonen
- University of Helsinki: Gareth Law (proxy Filip Tuomisto)
- Aalto University: Andrea Sand (proxy Jarmo Ala-Heikkilä)
- University of Eastern Finland: Jonne Naarala (proxy Jan Seppälä)
- University of Jyväskylä: Paul Greenlees
- Lappeenranta University of Technology: Elina Hujala (proxy Juhani Hyvärinen)
- University of Oulu: Juha Röning (proxy Arja Rautio)
- Tampere University: Anssi Auvinen (proxy Tarmo Lipping)
- VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd: Jaakko Leppänen
- University of Turku: Mika Teräs (proxy: Jarno Salonen)
- Åbo Akademi University: Mikael Bergelin
- Pirkanmaa Hospital District: Mika Kapanen (proxy Eeva Boman)
Hospital District of Southwest Finland: Jani Saunavaara (proxy Jani Keyriläinen)
- Hospital District of Northern Savo: Jan Seppälä (proxy Hanna Matikka)
- Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District: Juha Nikkinen (proxy Matti Hanni)
- Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa: Mika Kortesniemi (proxy Mikko Tenhunen)
The consortium is steered by a steering group. The chairman of the steering group comes from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The permanent members of the Steering Group are the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority - STUK, the Ministry of Employment and the Economy and the Ministry of the Interior.
The Cores Steering Group will propose to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health the rotating members of the Steering Group. The current rotating members are the Universities of Helsinki and Jyväskylä and Kuopio University Hospital.
The tasks of the Steering Group include:
- steering the activities of the Cores network at strategic level and evaluating the network's activities
- providing the network with information on the research needs arising from legislative work
- to support the network in the development of national radiation safety expertise
- to support the Cores network in communicating and achieving its impact objectives.
Cores seminar on 11 February 2025 at Tampere University cancelled
The seminar planned to be held on 11 February at Tampere University has been cancelled.