Regulatory guide on preparedness (VAL)

The VAL 1 guide concerns the protective actions in the early and intermediate phases of a nuclear or radiological emergency.

Protective actions are measures aimed to minimise the radiation exposure of the public in case of a nuclear or radiological emergency, keep other harm caused by the situation to a minimum and restore the living conditions of people and the functioning of society as normal as possible after the emergency.

Guide VAL 1 has been updated 9 April 2024 on definitions of EPZ and urgent protection of food and feed production.

VAL 1 Protective actions in a nuclear or radiological emergency ( pdf), 9.4.2024

This guide repeals Guide VAL 1 (1 September 2020).
VAL 3 Ulkoisen säteilyn valvontaohje pelastusviranomaisille ( pdf), 5.7.2011
VAL 4 Kannettavien säteilymittarien laatu- ja tarkastusvaatimukset ( pdf), 14.10.2008

These guides are in Finnish and Swedish only.