​​​​​​​Wastes from the removal of radioactive substances from domestic water

Private households using well water may have equipment to remove radioactive substances such as radon or uranium. Activated carbon filters accumulate radon and when they decay, they produce decay products that emit radiation.

Household activated carbon filters can be disposed of as mixed waste with household waste as far as radioactivity is concerned. However, filters used for radon removal must be aged before disposal to ensure that their radioactivity, which causes external radiation exposure, is sufficiently low when disposed of. During the ageing process, the filter is stored in a place where it will not cause any radiation exposure. After one month of ageing, the external radiation from the short-lived radon decay products is reduced to normal background levels.

Filter materials for the removal of other radioactive substances from domestic well water, such as resins and anthracite, can also be disposed of as mixed waste as far as their radioactivity is concerned.

If, for example, water suppliers or operators supplying or servicing water treatment equipment handle waste from the removal of old radioactive substances or waste from activated carbon filters, the activity requires an assessment of natural radiation exposure and the submission of the results to the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority.


More information on waste management​​​​​​​: [email protected]