Monitoring of radioactivity in household water
The municipal health protection authority monitors the radioactivity of household water in accordance with Decrees 401/2001 and 1352/2015 of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. Decree 401/2001 concerns small household water units and Decree 1352/2015 concerns large units, food establishments and packaged water. Decree 1352/2015 sets quality requirements for radon, total indicative dose and tritium. A quality target is also set for radon. A quality recommendation for radon is issued for small household water units and private wells.
STUK acts as an expert in the monitoring of radioactivity in household water, advising the municipal health protection authority, when necessary. If, for example, the radon concentration in the water supplied by a household water unit in accordance with Decree 1352/2015 is higher than the quality target but lower than the quality requirement, STUK will help to prepare the risk assessment required by the Decree (radonvalvonta (at)
Note: The monitoring data of radioactivity in water for 2023 will no longer be reported to STUK, but to Valvira's Vati.
Quality requirements and targets for the radioactivity of household water under the Decree Relating to the Quality and Monitoring of Water Intended for Human Consumption 1352/2015
There is no need to survey tritium under regular household water monitoring, as STUK monitors the activity concentrations of tritium through the national environmental radiation monitoring programme.
The quality requirement for radon concentration is 1,000 becquerels per litre (Bq/l). If it is exceeded, mitigating actions are necessary for radiation safety reasons and always without further assessment, regardless of how the water is used. The quality target for radon is 300 Bq/l. If the quality target is not met, the need for mitigating measures is considered on the basis of a risk assessment.
In water supply areas, radon concentrations need not be investigated if the water produced as household water derives solely from a body of surface water. Radon samples are taken from the water leaving the waterworks. Radon is usually examined under intermittent monitoring. Sampling may be reduced or the monitoring may be discontinued if the results of the radon concentration test meet the condition of item 5 of Appendix II to the Decree Relating to the Quality and Monitoring of Water Intended for Human Consumption.
Indicative dose refers to the accumulation of the effective radiation dose caused by household water from natural and artificial radioactive substances received during one year. However, tritium, potassium-40, radon and short-lived disintegration products of radon are not taken into account.
The quality requirement for the indicative dose is less than 0.10 millisieverts per year (mSv/year). The level of the indicative dose may be estimated from the total alpha activity of the sample or from the activity concentrations of individual radioactive substances (radionuclides).
If the total alpha activity is less than 0.1 Bq/l and the activity concentration of radon does not exceed the quality target of 300 Bq/l, it can be assumed that the indicative dose does not exceed the level of 0.10 mSv/year. In this case, it is not necessary to determine the activity concentrations of individual radioactive substances.
If the total alpha activity exceeds 0.1 Bq/l, the activity concentrations of the individual radioactive substances in the sample are determined to assess the indicative dose. The alpha-active substances determined from the water sample may include radium-226, uranium-234, uranium-238 and polonium-210 as well as the beta-active substances radium-228 and lead-210. In exceptional cases, it may be required that other radioactive substances are also measured in the sample.
In water supply areas, the indicative dose need not be surveyed if the water produced as household water derives solely from a body of surface water. The sample for the indicative dose is taken from the water leaving the waterworks. Sampling may be reduced or the monitoring may be discontinued if the results of the test meet the condition of item 5 of Appendix II to the Decree Relating to the Quality and Monitoring of Water Intended for Human Consumption.
The indicative dose is usually examined under intermittent monitoring. The indicative dose may be examined every five years if the indicative dose is less than 0.05 mSv/year and there is no apparent reason for the indicative dose to increase. Expert advice on estimating the indicative dose is provided by STUK ([email protected]).
STUK publications about radioactivity in household water
- Summary of the results of measurements of the radioactivity of household water in accordance with the Household Water Decree 2019–2021 (, in Finnish)
- Summary of the results of measurements of the radioactivity of household water in accordance with the Household Water Decree 2016–2018 (, In Finnish)
- Removal of radionuclides from household water (, in Finnish)
- Guidance for water treatment plants on indoor radon (pdf in Finnish,
Legal Acts
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