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E-services and forms
Applying for a safety licence for the use of radiation
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, Applying for a safety licence for the use of radiation
Fees for radiation practices regulation
Issuing authorizations for dealing with STUK
STUK's measurement and calibration services
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, STUK's measurement and calibration services
Measurement for radioactivity in samples
Radiation meter calibrations and testing and irradiation
Measurements, tests and calibrations of non-ionizing radiation
PCXMC − Monte Carlo program for calculating patient doses from x-ray examinations
Fees for STUK's services and general terms of delivery
Legislation and guides
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, Legislation and guides
STUK's regulatory guides and decisions
STUK's regulations
Renewal of the nuclear safety regulation
Report a radiation safety deviation
Open data
Calculation tools
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, Calculation tools
AASI - Program for simulating energy spectra in alpha spectrometry
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What is radiation?
About Radon
Open submenu
, About Radon
Radon in Finland
Reference levels and regulations concerning radon in dwellings
Sources of Radon
Measuring radon
Radon mitigation
Radon in new buildings
Maps of radon in Finland
About radon regulation in general
National action plan to prevent radon risks
Radon causes lung cancer
Electromagnetic fields
Open submenu
, Electromagnetic fields
Base stations
Electricity grids and power lines
Sun's UV radiation
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, Sun's UV radiation
What is UV radiation?
Ultraviolet radiation causes skin cancer
Protect yourself properly from the sun
Shade protects against UV radiation
Beauty care and sunbeds
Open submenu
, Beauty care and sunbeds
Radiation in beauty care
Use of radiation in medicine
Environmental radiation
Open submenu
, Environmental radiation
Monitoring of environment radiation
Radiation today on the map
Radiation in Europe - Eurdep
Radioactivity in outdoor air
Radioactivity of the deposition
Food control
Radioactivity of drinking water
Radioactivity in the Baltic Sea
Radioactivity in surface water
Radioactivity in human body
Laser products
Health effects of radiation
How do healthcare and industry utilize radiation?
Radioactivity in consumer products
Radiation in appliances
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Nuclear safety
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, Nuclear safety
Regulatory oversight of nuclear facilities
Regulatory oversight of nuclear safety
Licensing of nuclear facilities
Reporting on nuclear safety
Information on nuclear power plants
Information on nuclear waste
Peaceful uses of nuclear energy
For the user of radiation
Open submenu
, For the user of radiation
Occupational radiation exposure and health surveillance
Prerequisites for a safety licence
STUK supervises radiation practices
Radiation protection training and qualifications
Radiation measurements and approvals
Radiation safety deviations
Guidelines for different sectors
Medical examinations and the resulting radiation exposure
Warning signs
Beauty care and sunbed services
Laser performances
Practice that causes exposure to natural radiation
Open submenu
, Practice that causes exposure to natural radiation
What is practice that causes exposure to natural radiation
Radon at workplace
Radon in other premises used by people
Radon in underground mines and at excavation sites
Monitoring of radioactivity in household water
The radioactivity of building materials and ash
Industrial practices involving exposure to natural radiation - NORM
Preparedness for radiation hazards
Open submenu
, Preparedness for radiation hazards
Finns are protected
Authorities cooperate in the event of a radiation hazard situation
What could threaten Finland?
Actions in a radiation hazard situation
Abnormal events related to radiation
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Press releases and news
Subscribe STUK's news articles
Information for media
Social media
Situation in Ukraine
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Get to know STUK
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, Get to know STUK
STUK as a workplace
Annual reviews
Equality and non-discrimination
Planning and monitoring
International reviews of STUK's operations
Advisory Committees
Networks and Co-operations
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, Networks and Co-operations
Cores - Finnish consortium of radiation safety research
PrISMA project
MetroPOEM project
iViolin - guidance for optimization of oncological imaging
Information on STUK's website
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, Information on STUK's website
Cookies on website
Processing of personal data on the website
Data protection at STUK
Accessibility statement
Processing of personal data in Communications
Contact us
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, Contact us
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How to reach us
Press releases and news
Subscribe STUK's news articles
Information for media
Social media
Situation in Ukraine
Säteilyturvakeskus STUK
Information for media
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SERVICES AND GUIDANCE yja.nav.submenu.title.end
E-services and forms
Applying for a safety licence for the use of radiation
Applying for a safety licence for the use of radiation - submenu
Fees for radiation practices regulation
Issuing authorizations for dealing with STUK
STUK's measurement and calibration services
STUK's measurement and calibration services - submenu
Measurement for radioactivity in samples
Measurement for radioactivity in samples - submenu
Measurement methods and delivery times
Indoor air radon measurements
Radiation meter calibrations and testing and irradiation
Radiation meter calibrations and testing and irradiation - submenu
Metrological activities
Quality system
Measurements, tests and calibrations of non-ionizing radiation
PCXMC − Monte Carlo program for calculating patient doses from x-ray examinations
Fees for STUK's services and general terms of delivery
Legislation and guides
Legislation and guides - submenu
STUK's regulatory guides and decisions
STUK's regulatory guides and decisions - submenu
YVL Guides
VAL Guides
STUK's regulations
Renewal of the nuclear safety regulation
Report a radiation safety deviation
Open data
Calculation tools
Calculation tools - submenu
AASI - Program for simulating energy spectra in alpha spectrometry
RADIATION IN DAILYLIFE yja.nav.submenu.title.end
What is radiation?
About Radon
About Radon - submenu
Radon in Finland
Reference levels and regulations concerning radon in dwellings
Sources of Radon
Measuring radon
Radon mitigation
Radon in new buildings
Maps of radon in Finland
About radon regulation in general
National action plan to prevent radon risks
Radon causes lung cancer
Electromagnetic fields
Electromagnetic fields - submenu
Base stations
Electricity grids and power lines
Sun's UV radiation
Sun's UV radiation - submenu
What is UV radiation?
Ultraviolet radiation causes skin cancer
Protect yourself properly from the sun
Shade protects against UV radiation
Beauty care and sunbeds
Beauty care and sunbeds - submenu
Radiation in beauty care
Use of radiation in medicine
Environmental radiation
Environmental radiation - submenu
Monitoring of environment radiation
Radiation today on the map
Radiation in Europe - Eurdep
Radioactivity in outdoor air
Radioactivity of the deposition
Radioactivity of the deposition - submenu
The effects of the Chernobyl accident in Finland
Nuclear tests in the atmosphere
Food control
Food control - submenu
Radioactivity of milk
Radioactivity in sold natural produce
Daily food and drink
Radioactivity of drinking water
Radioactivity of drinking water - submenu
Wastes from removal of radioactive substances from domestic water
Radioactivity in the Baltic Sea
Radioactivity in surface water
Radioactivity in human body
Radioactivity in human body - submenu
Determination of radioactive subtances in the body
The average radiation dose received by a Finn
Laser products
Health effects of radiation
How do healthcare and industry utilize radiation?
Radioactivity in consumer products
Radiation in appliances
RADIATION SAFETY yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Nuclear safety
Nuclear safety - submenu
Regulatory oversight of nuclear facilities
Regulatory oversight of nuclear facilities - submenu
Loviisa nuclear power plant
Olkiluoto nuclear power plant
Olkiluoto nuclear power plant - submenu
Olkiluoto 3
Encapsulation and final disposal facility
Research reactor in Otaniemi
Small modular reactors
Talvivaara mine
Regulatory oversight of nuclear safety
Regulatory oversight of nuclear safety - submenu
Nuclear facility practices
Radiation safety of nuclear facilities
Nuclear security arrangements
Inspection organisations
Nuclear materials
Nuclear waste management
Licensing of nuclear facilities
Licensing of nuclear facilities - submenu
Before construction
Reporting on nuclear safety
Reporting on nuclear safety - submenu
Inspections at the Loviisa nuclear power plant
Inspections at the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant
Oversight reports of final disposal facility
International reports
Information on nuclear power plants
Information on nuclear power plants - submenu
Safety principles
Operation of a nuclear power plant
Types of nuclear power plants
Hanhikivi nuclear power plant project
Nuclear power plant accidents
Nuclear power plant accidents - submenu
Fukushima nuclear power plant accident
Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident
Information on nuclear waste
Information on nuclear waste - submenu
Taking care of nuclear waste
Peaceful uses of nuclear energy
For the user of radiation
For the user of radiation - submenu
Occupational radiation exposure and health surveillance
Prerequisites for a safety licence
STUK supervises radiation practices
Radiation protection training and qualifications
Radiation measurements and approvals
Radiation safety deviations
Radiation safety deviations - submenu
Anonymized radiation safety deviations
Analysis of minor deviations (health care)
Analysis of more significant deviations (health care)
Guidelines for different sectors
Guidelines for different sectors - submenu
Veterinary X-ray practices
Trade, import and export of radioactive materials and consumer products
Radioactive waste and discharges
Transport of radioactive substances
Radiation shielding of X-ray rooms in health care and veterinary practice
Dental X-ray practices
Sealed sources
Medical examinations and the resulting radiation exposure
Medical examinations and the resulting radiation exposure - submenu
Warning signs
Beauty care and sunbed services
Beauty care and sunbed services - submenu
Information for professionals in the beauty care industry
Information for professionals in the sunbed services
Supervision of beauty care and sunbed services
Laser performances
Practice that causes exposure to natural radiation
Practice that causes exposure to natural radiation - submenu
What is practice that causes exposure to natural radiation
Radon at workplace
Radon at workplace - submenu
Areas where radon measurement in workplace is obligatory
Workplace radon concentrations in Finland
Workplaces built on highly permeable soils, where radon measurement in the workplace is required
Radon concentration during working hours
STUKs monitoring projects at workplaces
Radon in other premises used by people
Radon in underground mines and at excavation sites
Monitoring of radioactivity in household water
The radioactivity of building materials and ash
Industrial practices involving exposure to natural radiation - NORM
Industrial practices involving exposure to natural radiation - NORM - submenu
Obligation to report exposure to natural radiation - NORM
Waste containing naturally occurring radioactive materials
Preparedness for radiation hazards
Preparedness for radiation hazards - submenu
Finns are protected
Authorities cooperate in the event of a radiation hazard situation
What could threaten Finland?
What could threaten Finland? - submenu
Dirty bomb
Depleted uranium
Actions in a radiation hazard situation
Actions in a radiation hazard situation - submenu
Information sources for members of the public
Instructions for members of the public
Sheltering indoors reduces radiation exposure
The iodine tablet protects the thyroid gland
Preventing health effects of radiation
Radiation measurements
The voluntary radiation measurement team strengthens Finland's measurement capacity
Abnormal events related to radiation
Abnormal events related to radiation - submenu
The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale INES
CURRENT ISSUES yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Press releases and news
Subscribe STUK's news articles
Information for media
Social media
Situation in Ukraine
ABOUT STUK yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Get to know STUK
Get to know STUK - submenu
STUK as a workplace
STUK as a workplace - submenu
STUK career stories: Elina works as a local inspector at the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant
Annual reviews
Annual reviews - submenu
Year 2023 in STUK
Year 2023 in STUK - submenu
Director General’s review
STUK's finances in 2023: strengthening cost-efficient operations and a sustainable economy
STUK monitors around the clock
Cooperation with Ukraine strengthened
Decommissioning of Finland’s first nuclear reactor started
STUK’s supervision ensured the safety of nuclear power plants
Safety assessment of spent nuclear fuel disposal facility continued
STUK makes preparations for the arrival of small modular reactors
Measurements in the environment and laboratories: radiation measurement data from 2023
Radon monitoring and communication
R&D supports monitoring and preparedness
STUK investigated radiation exposure caused to luggage by the new fluoroscopic equipment
New radiation shield use recommendation for patients during X-ray examinations
The new website was implemented on time without compromising on quality
Happy officials express their views
STUK promotes several sustainable development goals
Year 2022 in STUK
Year 2022 in STUK - submenu
Director General’s review
The new office building in Vantaa meets STUK's special requirements
Intensive year of supervision in Olkiluoto
The year 2022 changed the focus of international co-operation
Cooperation with the African Commission on Nuclear Energy launched
Professors of Practice instill radiation safety expertise and research in universities
Ultraviolet radiation and radon monitoring and communication
Work for a radiation safe Baltic Sea
Use of radiation was supervised in industry, research and the health sector
STUK employee for more than 30 years: Elina Martikka
STUK's finances and personnel in 2022
Equality and non-discrimination
Planning and monitoring
International reviews of STUK's operations
Advisory Committees
Networks and Co-operations
Networks and Co-operations - submenu
Cores - Finnish consortium of radiation safety research
Cores - Finnish consortium of radiation safety research - submenu
National Radiation Safety Research Programme
European collaboration
PrISMA project
MetroPOEM project
iViolin - guidance for optimization of oncological imaging
Information on STUK's website
Information on STUK's website - submenu
Cookies on website
Processing of personal data on the website
Data protection at STUK
Data protection at STUK - submenu
Data protection at STUK
Accessibility statement
Processing of personal data in Communications
Contact us
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