Transport of radioactive substances

Transport of radioactive substances is considered use of radiation under the Radiation Act. For transport of high-activity sealed sources by road and rail, you also need a safety licence issued by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority.

The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) inspects transport arrangements and grants approvals to transport packaging and transport by special arrangements. Transport includes all actions included in and related to the transport of radioactive substances. These include, for example:

  • design, manufacture, maintenance and repair of packaging
  • preparation, shipment, loading and transport of loads and packages containing radioactive substances
  • temporary interruptions due to transport conditions
  • unloading and reception at the destination.

Transport of high activity sealed sources

Road and rail transport of high-activity sealed sources requires a safety licence pursuant to the Radiation Act. The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) must be notified of the transport in advance. A sealed source means a radiation source containing a radioactive substance, the structure or properties of which prevent the radioactive substance from spreading into the environment under planned conditions of use. A sealed source has a unique identifier and a certificate that certifies that it meets the standards for sealed sources. A sealed source is classified as high activity if the amount of radioactivity exceeds the nuclide-specific limit value set out in Appendix 1 to Regulation STUK S/5/2019. All transport of radioactive substances is subject to the Act on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (719/1994; VAK Act).