STUK's radon monitoring projects at workplaces

The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) monitors radon concentrations at workplaces and radon exposure of workers in Finland. The monitoring is mainly carried out by the employer measuring the radon concentration at the workplace in accordance with Section 155 of the Radiation Act and sending the results of the radon workplace measurements to STUK. STUK also carries out targeted monitoring in projects where requests for clarification are sent to workplaces.

STUK carries out targeted monitoring projects on a risk basis for workplaces. Projects have been carried out on a sectoral basis, for example in Finnish educational institutions and kindergartens. Monitoring projects have also been targeted at areas where radon measurement results show the highest proportions of concentrations above the reference level.

In monitoring projects, STUK ensures that each employer that receives a request for a clarification submits to STUK either the result of a radon measurement or an explanation of why radon measurements are not required. If necessary, STUK will send a reminder to the workplace.

If radon concentrations above the reference level have been measured at the workplace, STUK will oblige the workplace to carry out further investigations or radon remediation. These remedial measures will ensure that workers are not exposed to excessive levels of indoor radon.

Note: The results of monitoring projects are analysed only after the project has been completed, which also provides information on the number of workplaces where the reference value was exceeded.

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