Authorities cooperate in the event of a radiation hazard situation

In the event of a radiation hazard situation, the authorities cooperate to protect people and the environment. The aim is to prevent and reduce the harmful effects of radiation. Actions are needed in all administrative sectors and levels. Businesses and organizations also participate in the managing the situation.

A serious radiation hazard situation requires rapid action to protect people, food and non-food production. In addition, measures concern, for example, water supply, agriculture and forestry, traffic, and transport, as well as import and export.

Get to know some of the key players. The list is not exhaustive. More detailed information on all the operators involved in a radiation hazard situation, and their operational and communication responsibilities, is available in the Radiological Situation Guide (in Finnish).



More information


  • Emergency warnings provide instructions and calls on seeking shelter indoors, taking iodine tablets, and protecting livestock and other production. Emergency warnings are always broadcast on the radio. The authority may decide that the emergency warning it issues will also be broadcast on television. In addition, the emergency warning will be forwarded to page 112 of the Teksti-TV service and to the 112 Suomi application. The emergency warning will also be sent to the Emergency Response Centre Agency's website The Finnish Broadcasting Company also publishes emergency warnings on its website and on Teksti-TV, and they are transmitted to the Yle Uutisvahti application.
  • In addition, a general emergency signal is sounded if necessary. When the general emergency signal sounds, you should shelter indoors.
  • Finland’s 22 rescue departments also provide information on their own websites and social media channels. The Finnish rescue departments can be found on the Finnish Rescue Service's website. You can search for a rescue department based on your home municipality: Rescue Services – front page.


Useful websites