ENSREG invites those interested in nuclear safety to join a webinar in June

Publication date 12.5.2021 16.59 | Published in English on 29.3.2023 at 11.02
Type:News item

The European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) will arrange a webinar discussing the peer review of the safety of nuclear power plants on 22 June. According to the Nuclear Safety Directive, EU Member States must arrange nuclear safety peer reviews at least every six years. The purpose of this procedure is to share experiences and identify opportunities to further develop nuclear safety in the EU. This second round of peer reviews discusses fire safety in nuclear power plants.

The event is intended for all interest groups and citizens who are interested in nuclear safety. The event provides information about the peer review process and offers stakeholders the opportunity to share their views on future peer reviews.

The event programme will be published on the ENSREG website in the near future. If you would like to receive an invitation to the event, please send a request to ossi.lang(at)stuk.fi by 17 May. You can watch the event through the ENSREG website, but if you wish to participate in the discussions, you will have to register in advance. The event will be interpreted into English, French and German.


ENSREG is an independent, expert group in which all EU Member States are represented by their nuclear safety authorities. The decision to establish the group was made by the European Commission in 2007.

The group members are the managerial nuclear and radiation safety authorities of their own countries. All the 28 European Union Member States and the European Commission are represented in the group.

ENSREG’s tasks include:

  •     Improving the cooperation between Member States as well as openness in nuclear safety and radioactive waste issues.
  •     Improving the transparency and openness related to the nuclear safety and radioactive waste issues.
  •     Assisting the European Commission in supplementing EU regulations concerning the safety of nuclear facilities, spent fuels and radioactive waste.

European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group: www.ensreg.eu

Further information:
Ossi Lång, Expert, International Cooperation, ossi.lang(at)stuk.fi