Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority’s annual review collects highlights from the year 2023

Publication date 21.5.2024 12.07
Type:Press release

The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) has published an annual review of its 2023 operations. The review collects highlights and case examples of STUK's activities and achievements last year.

“The year 2023 included several significant tasks, such as the overall safety assessment of the Loviisa nuclear power plant to renew the operating licence, monitoring the dismantling of the research reactor in Espoo, assessing the safety of Posiva's final disposal facility in order to start the operation of the facility and monitoring the commercial use of the Olkiluoto 3 power plant. A significant change in the supervision of the use of radiation in health care was the launch of the wellbeing services counties and thus the concentration of healthcare operations in larger units. All in all, the safety of nuclear energy and radiation use is at a good level in Finland. We actively monitored the security environment, and monitoring the situation in Ukraine in particular became a routine," says STUK’s Director General Petteri Tiippana.

The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority’s year 2023 contains 16 articles from different areas of radiation use and monitoring, as well as STUK's operations in general.

Annual review in English on STUK's webpages. 

The site is also available in Finnish and in Swedish.