Report on the supervision of the spent nuclear fuel disposal project in early 2024

Publication date 16.5.2024 14.54 | Published in English on 16.5.2024 at 15.27
Type:Press release

The Radiation and Nuclear Safety authority, STUK, continues processing the application for an operating permit from Posiva, which is responsible for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. At the same time, STUK supervises the commissioning of the plant and plans to supervise it during its use

STUK says in its first tertial rapport 2024 on the supervision of the encapsulation and final disposal facility that the processing of the application for operation licence has progressed well as a whole. However, due to the scope of the material and the processing of material updates STUK has required Posivala, the work has taken more time than anticipated.

The licensing authority for the use permit, the Ministry of Labor and the Economy, initially requested STUK's opinion by the end of 2023, if possible. At the end of 2023, STUK requested an extension of time until the end of 2024.

As a conclusion of the processing of the operating licence application material, STUK prepares a safety assessment, which is attached as an appendix to the safety statement. STUK's favorable statement on safety is a prerequisite for the Finland’s Government to grant Posiva's encapsulation and final disposal facility an operating licence.

STUK's report describes the main points of the various areas of supervision from the beginning of January to the end of April 2024.