International reviews of STUK’s operations

The IRRS review every ten years

The Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) by the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) focuses mostly on supervision activities and accident preparedness of authorities.  The latest IRRS review was conducted in Finland in autumn 2022.

The final report of the review will be completed in the beginning of 2023 and published on STUK's website.

An international team of experts is evaluating Finland’s nuclear safety

In June 2022, an international IPPAS team evaluated Finland’s nuclear security arrangements. IPPAS (International Physical Protection Advisory Service) is an evaluation programme arranged by the IAEA. Previously such IPPAS missions were conducted in the years 2009 and 2012.

The key recommendations of the 2022 evaluation concerned i.a. the clarification of the nuclear energy legislation and developing the organizational culture towards making security aspects more visible. The evaluation also issued several suggestions and identified many good practices.

Finland manages its nuclear waste well

In November 2009, the radiation and safety authorities of nine EU countries, the European Commission and Switzerland evaluated STUK’s operations concerning the monitoring of Finland’s nuclear waste management. This was the first pan-European evaluation of its kind. The evaluation suggested a number of recommendations for developing the Finnish monitoring system even further and identified best practices to recommend to other EU countries.

STUK carried out high-quality research in 2011

An international group of experts assessed STUK’s research in autumn 2011, and found it to be of very high quality. The employees are highly educated and committed to their work. Likewise, STUK was an excellent work environment and the research laboratories were in top shape.
International Evaluation of the Research Activities of the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) (Reports and memorandums 2012:9).