Monitoring of radioactivity in household water

The municipal health protection authority monitors the radioactivity of household water in accordance with Decrees 401/2001 and 1352/2015 of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. Decree 401/2001 concerns small household water units and Decree 1352/2015 concerns large units, food establishments and packaged water. Decree 1352/2015 sets quality requirements for radon, total indicative dose and tritium. A quality target is also set for radon. A quality recommendation for radon is issued for small household water units and private wells.

STUK acts as an expert in the monitoring of radioactivity in household water, advising the municipal health protection authority, when necessary. If, for example, the radon concentration in the water supplied by a household water unit in accordance with Decree 1352/2015 is higher than the quality target but lower than the quality requirement, STUK will help to prepare the risk assessment required by the Decree (radonvalvonta (at)

Note: The monitoring data of radioactivity in water for 2023 will no longer be reported to STUK, but to Valvira's Vati.

Quality requirements and targets for the radioactivity of household water under the Decree Relating to the Quality and Monitoring of Water Intended for Human Consumption 1352/2015

Elsewhere on the site

 (will be published soon)

  • Talousveden radioaktiivisuus valtakunnallisessa ympäristön säteilyvalvontaohjelmassa ( LINK TO BE PUBLISHED
  • Talousveden radioaktiivisuus ( LINK TO BE PUBLISHED
  • Radioaktiivisten aineiden mittaaminen talousvedestä ( LINK TO BE PUBLISHED
  • Radioaktiivisten aineiden poistaminen talousvedestä ( LINK TO BE PUBLISHED
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