Giving a green light to the continued operation of the Loviisa nuclear power plant

Publication date 26.1.2023 14.51 | Published in English on 5.6.2023 at 10.25
Type:Press release

Säteilyturvakeskus toteaa työ- ja elinkeinoministeriölle toimittamassaan lausunnossa, että Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksen luvanhaltija Fortum Power and Heat Oy on osoittanut pystyvänsä jatkamaan Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksen molempien yksiköiden käyttöä turvallisesti vielä nykyisen lupajakson päätyttyä.

In its statement submitted to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) states that the licence-holder of the Loviisa nuclear power plant, Fortum Power and Heat Oy, has demonstrated that it is able to continue operating both units of the Loviisa nuclear power plant safely even after the expiry of the current licence period.

The current operating licences of the nuclear power plant units of Loviisa will expire in 2027 and 2030, and Fortum has applied for a new operating licence for both units until 2050. The operating licence is granted by the Government on the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. Before making the proposal, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment needs a statement from STUK on the safety of the plant.

In its statement, STUK states that Fortum has taken care of the safety of the Loviisa 1 and 2 nuclear power plant units in accordance with the regulations in force. According to STUK's assessment, Fortum also has the necessary prerequisites, procedures, expertise and resources to continue to operate safely.

However, the management of ageing-related phenomena at the plants requires measures, monitoring and verification in order to ensure the safe operation of the plant until 2050. Fortum has therefore drawn up ageing management plans and selected procedures that, according to STUK's assessment, are sufficient to monitor the condition of the plant and to initiate the necessary improvement measures.

STUK continuously monitors the timely and compliant implementation of measures which improve Fortum's safety. The safety of the Loviisa nuclear power plant as a whole is assessed in accordance with the Nuclear Energy Act every ten years. The following assessment will be carried out by Fortum and submitted to STUK for assessment as planned in 2030.

More time for the waste disposal facility

During the operation of the nuclear power plant, low and intermediate-level waste is generated, which Fortum will dispose of in a disposal facility built on the bedrock of the power plant area. The extension to be built in the disposal facility is also planned to store the low and intermediate-level waste generated in connection with the dismantling of the power plant.

Fortum has applied for a new operating licence for the disposal facility so that the plant would be in use until the end of the operation of the power plant and during the decommissioning period, i.e. until 2090.

In its statement concerning this licence application, STUK states that Fortum has demonstrated in its application and in its safety assessment that it is possible to continue the final disposal safely within the current scope.

The plans concerning the construction of the extension of the disposal of radioactive waste generated during the decommissioning of the power plant and the safety case for the post-closure period will be assessed separately by STUK before extending the disposal facility.

The safety of the disposal facility as a whole is assessed in accordance with the Nuclear Energy Act every 15 years.

Deputy Director Tomi Routamo, tel. +358 9 759 88 577
Project Manager Tomi Koskiniemi, tel. +358 9 759 88 642 – questions concerning the nuclear power plant
Section Head Mia Ylä-Mella, tel. +358 9 759 88 202 – questions concerning the disposal facility
Media contacts, Tel: +358(10)8504761

STUK's statement, in finnish