STUK: Terrafame can start recovering uranium

Publication date 18.6.2024 15.41 | Published in English on 24.6.2024 at 11.31
Type:Press release

On 18 June, the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority decided that Terrafame Ltd's uranium recovery plant in Talvivaara, Sotkamo, is ready for commissioning.  

On 18 June, the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority decided that Terrafame Ltd's uranium recovery plant in Talvivaara, Sotkamo, is ready for commissioning.    

The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) inspected the uranium recovery plant on-site in Talvivaara between 28 and 30 May and on 13 June. STUK’s decision on 18 June is based on these inspections and the written materials provided by Terrafame that STUK has inspected. STUK confirms that the safety requirements for the use of the plant are met as long as the documented procedures are followed. 

STUK also states in its decision on the safety analysis report that Terrafame must update its safety analysis report. According to Ari Luukkonen, Senior Inspector at STUK, the update requirements attached to the decision are textual corrections to the updated report that Terrafame delivered to STUK on 3 October 2023. The requirements do not call for delays in the start of operation.

According to Senior Inspector Ari Luukkonen, while the uranium recovery plant is under STUK’s supervision, the substances handled and produced at the plant are not very radioactive.  Talvivaara produces uranium oxide that does not produce a great deal of radiation. Like other heavy metals, it is mostly hazardous due to its chemical properties.

However, uranium oxide is used to produce fuel for nuclear power plants, which becomes highly radioactive in the power plant reactor. In addition, international agreements and Finnish legislation require that all uranium products are closely monitored in Finland. For these reasons, production is closely monitored from the start. STUK’s monitoring is based on the Nuclear Energy Act.

Three years ago, the Government granted Terrafame permission to recover uranium. According to the Nuclear Energy Act, Terrafame may not start recovery before STUK has determined that operation can commence in accordance with the safety requirements.

STUK Radiation and Nuclear and Safety Authority