National programme for spent fuel and radioactive waste management completed

Publication date 1.3.2022 14.36 | Published in English on 22.6.2023 at 12.23
Type:News item

The national programme and environmental impact assessment of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste management were published on 1 March 2022. The programme was drawn up by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health together with the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority. The programme’s aim is to ensure that all spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste generated in Finland is managed safely and without undue delay.

The national programme deals extensively with the various aspects of spent fuel and radioactive waste management. It includes amounts and locations of spent fuel and radioactive waste as well as general objectives, principles, an estimate of the costs and schedule of waste management.

A key objective of the programme is to develop radioactive waste management in Finland. It is also a programme required of Finland by Council Directive 2011/70/Euratom. In national legislation, provisions on the programme concerning the use of nuclear energy and use of radiation are laid down in the Nuclear Energy Act and the Radiation Act, respectively.

The national programme now drawn up is the second of its kind. It replaces the first programme completed in summer 2015. Updating the programme was necessary for the development of national activities and the future international assessments that will be conducted at regular intervals. The first international peer review has been planned for the end of 2022.

In connection with the preparation of the programme, an environmental impact assessment was carried out in accordance with the Act on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Plans and Programmes on the Environment. The assessment includes a description of the operating environment, objectives and likely significant environmental impacts of the project, among other things.

The programme has been prepared in cooperation with operators, which play a key role in implementing the national programme in accordance with legislation. Moreover, two consultation rounds were organised as part of the preparation of the programme, during which the authorities, operators in the sector, citizens and corporations were able to present statements and opinions. The statements and opinions have been taken into account in the preparation of the programme.

The national programme and decision of approval were published on 1 March 2022 on the website of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment at

More information online:
Management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste in Finland
National programme for spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste management 1 March 2022

Linda Kumpula, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 250 412 4425
Mia Ylä-Mella, Senior Inspector, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, tel. +358 9 759 88 202
Venla Kuhmonen, Inspector, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, tel. +358 9 759 88 327